Saturday, February 21, 2009

Politics talk

Last week we had an interesting discussion with Finn Kranfel.we were discussing different goverment systems and how they affect people.
The goverment system defines the culture of any population and shapes the attitude of people towardes thier future and thier past .Goverment can be a good tool to develop a socity or can be a strong weapon to destroy it.
we discussed different types of goverment systems .we talked about democratic goverment ,we learned that the word "democracy" came from the anchient Greece where the democratic system was originated.the democratic system is simply based on the freedom of the people to express themselves and thier needs,and that usually done through elected parliamant to represent the people.
we talked about Dictatorshipe as well and how it has become almost extent ,Finn demonstrated two examples of that kind of goverment which are Cuba and North Koria .
In dectatorshipe goerment ,no oppsing form of goverment is allowed to exist and it is usually military packed goverment and it involves monoarchy.
Although me and Energizer are not into politics ,we got absorbed by this discussion and we started to look up some idiology of goverment systems ,and that what Finn kranfel was aiming for.She wanted us to be aware of what is happening around the world and she wanted ,and i qout,to"broaden our horizon".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,

Some feedback on yuor blog post,

1. we - use capital letters when starting sentences you will lose points in exams if you don't. Check all through your article for more lower case letters.

2. towardes thier - towards their - their is a common mistake I have noticed in your other writing pay special attention to this.

3. the anchient Greece - ancient (Sp) this means spelling mistake

ancient Greece doesn't need an article. Read this to help you:

4. where the democratic system was originated - remove was - this is past simple.

5. that usually done - that is usually done through

6. elected parliamant - Use an article here 'an'

7.Dictatorshipe - dicatorships

8. extent - extinct ?

9. North Koria - Korea

10.In dectatorshipe goerment - In a dictatorship (you don't need government after it)

11. oppsing - opposing (Sp)

12. Although Energizer and I

13. idiology - ideology

14. kranfel - Kranfel - names are always capitalised

15. i qout - I quote

Very well expressed but you must get into the habit of checking your work, as you will lose points in an exam. Tip: Write the post in word before you post it on the blog and spell check it ! :-)

Jessie Teacher