I am Friendly Rexie from Vietnam. I am really glad when catching your topic "If you could change one important thing about your country what would you change?".
This interesting topic reminds me when I still was a pupil till a student. Education programme is really hard to me. A large knowledge I have to cram into my mind, but I don't know how to memorise all of them in the right way. In other words, noone shows me method to remember information and knowledge. Almost of students have problems like me, learning by rote as a way to choose because too many things we have to study to complete grades in limited time.
If I could change one important thing about my country, the first thing I think is improve education system. In Vietnam, a large amount of knowledge in books we have to learn for exams and grades but there is still much information not suitable or redundant for every grade. For example, I was a student in marketing but I had to take chemistry and physics exams both in hard level at the beginning. I passed the exam and seldom saw them mentioned in studing programmes. When I graduated up to now, knowledge is just around maths, English and commercial paper work. Chemistry and physics almost disappear in office work.
Education system is very important to every country because it effects on young people those who will contribute to nation's development and strength.
To sum up, a country has good education as a key to integrate successfully into world economy and stimulate homeland's economy development.
- Friendly Rexie
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